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Kelly Shea

Lead Consultant

My Story

Being apart of a direct sales company was the furthest thing from my mind in September 2012. My friend and now sponsor had begun selling in August, and I hosted a strictly online party to try and earn the "He's Alive" warmer. I earned it and a few other things. This was my introduction to Scentsy and this amazing product. About 2 weeks after my party I decided it would be nice to have extra money, and have my house smell amazing without an open flame. I took the leap and joined.  The $99, has led me to having the extra money for that new pair of shoes that I just have to have, the Starbucks drink that is almost as addicting as Scentsy, and amazing new friends I call my Scentsy family.  I have since added my best friend to my team, and we have a goal to go away for our 40th birthdays in a couple of years.  Join me, and see where this company and the possibilities it holds can take you.